Sunday, January 9, 2011

Oliver's Eating Habits

Oliver has recently discovered that he loves using a fork.  Mostly big forks.  And we have discovered that he will actually eat more if it is put on a fork for him.  So, we are taking chances with his eyeballs and letting him use the fork.  

He does pretty well and can even stab his own food now.  The baby forks just don't stab as well.  Another reason he gets a big one.  

So, since he can use a fork, we decided to let him have a go at a spoon and some applesauce...  he used his hand instead.  

Not quite getting the hang of it...

Whatever works.

Why not add some spaghetti too!

1 comment:

Sincerely Anna said...

LOL I love these. You should submit these to MOPS for their magazine. So cute.