4 Months Old
Our sweet little boy is four months old today. He seems to be changing weekly, if not daily. He is such a little giggler. It is so fun. (It was always hard to get a laugh out of Madeline.) Usually saying, "boo" will get a little giggle out of him. He smiles so sweetly, especially at Madeline. He seems to be very social. He likes to ride in my sling while we are shopping. If he is not sleeping, then he is looking all around and smiling at whoever looks or talks to him.
He is a champion roller. He has been rolling over occasionally for a while now. But, this week he pretty much rolls over to his belly as soon as I put him on his back. He can use it as a mode of transportation now with about 3 rolls in a row to get to something he finds interesting. He is also enjoying his johnny jump up that we have hanging in a doorway (if he can ever find time to get in it when Madeline's not in it.)
He is sleeping pretty good. He takes about 3 naps a day. Usually 2 longer ones in the morning and afternoon and a quick one in the evening. He usually naps in the swing or in my sling if we are out. He can sleep for hours and hours in the sling while Madeline and I shop. He sleeps in his bed at night and still wakes up usually once to eat around 5-6am and then goes back to sleep until 8 or 9.
He is a pretty good eater. But, he seems to be similar to his sister and her eating habits. Somedays are better than others. We might be giving solid foods a try this month. He certainly seems to be growing. He is getting almost too long for his 6 month clothes and is even wearing some 9 month clothes. We go to the doctor tomorrow, so we will get all his stats then. He is drooling like crazy. He will soak through a soak-proof bib in about 10 minutes. I don't think he is getting any teeth yet though.
Oliver certainly has been a joy. He is a very easy baby. He's always happy, sleeping or eating. We love our little Oliver!
Awww, such a cutie! I love all these pics of him. They are great! I love his big smile:)
great pics! the one of him full body looks like you threw him up in the air and then took a picture. so cute. It's so fun to hear about how he's doing and the schedule he's on compared to Rye. My goodness our boys are growing up so fast! Keep up the good work, mom.
I absolutely LOVE the 4 pix arranged of his expressions! I think that should be the cover of your Oliver book... if you make one. :) Such a cutie. He's so much bigger than when I held him!
He is so cute I can't believe it's been 4 months!
That's really funny Briana. I never saw that until you said something. It definitely looks like that. I guess they have to get out of the nest and fly at some point.
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