Friday, May 8, 2009

Smith Mountain Lake Triathlon

Last year, Andrew decided to do a triathlon. So, I guess he is making it a yearly thing. Which is great! I still haven't gotten up the courage to do it with him. Although, there are talks of doing a relay team with Krisha W next year. So, we need a third person if anyone is interested.
We did not get to the race in time to see Andrew swim the 750m. But, we did get to see him bike and run. Here he is on the way back from his 20k ride.

Brian Whited joined Andrew this year as well.

Andrew headed out on the 5k.

Brian heading out on his run.

He made it! And he beat his time from last year. I am so proud of him. I told Krisha, who was there supporting Brian, of course, that I felt very lazy standing on the sidelines watching everyone else exercise. It's like sitting on the couch and watching FitTV.
Brian at the finish line as well! Way to go guys!!!

Madeline had a good time hanging out with Granny and Pawpaw most of the morning. We are so glad the rain held off. They were calling for rain and thunderstorms. But, it turned out to be some great weather for competing and watching.


Lauren said...

impressive!!! way to go!!!

hey are you guys going to be at sbc on sunday? i didnt know if you guys would visit for mothers day. we're going to be there and i just know savannah and madeline are destined to be best friends...

Katherine said...

Way to go Andrew! That's hard core!

Naomi, I thought of this yesterday but didn't mention it: I don't know if you're allowed to exercise and if Andrew could babysit, but water aerobics starts up in June and meets T/Th at 7 pm. If you're interested I'll send you the form. It's fun!