Friday, April 24, 2009


Madeline is really starting to pretend these days. This morning she started by helping Mr. Lion go to the bathroom in the upstairs bathroom of her dollhouse.

Mr. Lion went Peepee in the potty!

Then she had to put on her make-up while I did mine.

Then she was ready to take care of her babies. In case you didn't know, she has twins. They certainly aren't identical twins though. One is Baby Stella. The other is Elmo. She thought that Baby's face was a little dry so she put some lotion on her.

Then it was time for the babies to have a snack. So, she worked very hard at getting them to sit up in her booster seat.

Then they were ready to go to Target. We don't have a carseat for them (obviously), so Madeline just held them in her lap the whole time. And then they rode in the buggy around Target with her as well. I don't know how she keeps up with two of them!

Once we got back from Target, we were all very hungry for lunch. While I was fixing her lunch, she managed to get them in her highchair like this and get her milk out of the diaper bag for them. I'm not sure how she got them in there so well.

Then, it was time to blow bubbles with our new spill-proof bubbles that we got at Target. Madeline was a great teacher and showed Elmo how to blow.

And of course it helps to model for your kids how to do something.

The babies got very dirty while we were blowing bubbles, so Madeline thought they needed a bath. So, I got out her old baby bath and she gave them a bath.

And what good mother wouldn't climb right on in the tub when she realizes that her babies are not happy in there?

They got very clean!

Then it was time to read some books before naptime. (I guess Elmo already went to sleep since he isn't part of storytime.)

Isn't she such a sweet mommy snuggling with her baby before naptime.

Oh how I love this sweet little girl. It is so fun to watch her learn and grow!


Becky Swann said...

This was the cutest post ever you should make it into a little book for her

Daniel and Kimberly Jordan said...

SO fun!! She's so sweet; and such a good mommy! (she must have a great role model)

Lauren said...

oh my goodness! how adorable!!!

Beth Simmons said...

This is just the sweetest thing ever. I am so in love with Madeline:)

Briana said...

and the best post ever award goes to......Naomi!

well done. such a sweetie!

Nathaniel Simmons said...

This was so much fun to read and look at. Madeline is so cute its ridiculous.

Tabitha said...

I ADORE this post!! Great job! I can't wait for our Naomi Joy to begin to pretend with her babies. But just watch ... she'll fool me and become a tom-boy and chase her bro around with cars and swords instead. :) We shall see!