Monday, March 9, 2009

A Fishtank without any Fish in It

"Why is Andrew so sad?" you might ask.

Well it all started one evening when I walked by his small fishtank to get some more paper towels in our laundry room. All of a sudden, I hear a loud pop. I turn around to see what it was and then I see water begin to gush out of this crack on the side of his fish tank. It is hard to see. But, it is a crack from the top of his tank, to the bottom.

I started grabbing buckets and tried to catch the water. It was shooting out of the side of the tank like a hole in a dam. My mom was visiting, so she came up to help as well. The floor was soaking wet!

We had to remove Spot (the fish) and all of Andrew's coral to keep it alive. You can see it all in the buckets on the floor.

Andrew came home a few minutes later from work to his fish tank in buckets on the floor. So, that is why he is so sad in the first picture. But, things are better now. We went out that night to get a new tank so everything wouldn't die. He ended up with a better light that will now support even cooler corals. So, I think he is happy with it.
At least it wasn't the 125 gallon tank!

1 comment:

Daniel and Kimberly Jordan said...

"Whats the point of that....Its just like a fish tank without fish in it" very sad, but at least it breathes new life into the lyrics. Talk about a silver lining, seriously.