Friday, July 9, 2010

8 Months Old

Oliver is 8 months old today.  That's only 4 months away from a year.  Let me go cry for a second...Ok, I pulled it together.  On to bragging about my sweet boy.  

Oliver is a super crawler and a really happy guy.  Madeline still gets the most laughs out of him.  But, to be fair, she does spend a majority of her day trying to get laughs out of him.  

And this makes Madeline laugh a lot.  I guess there is a lot of laughter in our house right now.  He loves to carry things in his mouth around the house like a dog.  

He cruises all over the place.  He can also stand up in the middle of the floor all by himself now and will stand there for a long time.  If he sees something he wants, he will bend down to get it and stand right back up.  He still hasn't taken his first step though.  So, it looks like it will be in his 8th month, just like Madeline.  Although, I am waiting for it any day now.  

Just because it's cute, embarrassing and slightly inappropriate.  

His sleeping is so-so.  I believe I said he was sleeping through the night in his 7 month post.  But, not really.  He did it for a few nights and then went back to waking up once a night.  This past week, he has been much better.  He will usually go down around 8:30-9pm and sleep until about 6-7am.  Sometimes he sleeps later.  Sometimes he will nurse and go back to sleep for a couple hours.  Who knows.  He's just a little unpredictable right now.  He takes 2 naps during the day.  Usually a 2 hour nap in the morning if we are home.  If we are out, he will catch whatever sleep he can in his carseat or sling.  Then he takes a good 3 hour nap in the afternoon.  He still drinks a bottle and rocks to sleep.  I love it! If he wakes up in the night we can usually just give him his paci.  But, sometimes he just wants to be snuggled and will fall back to sleep as soon as I pick him up.

Oliver wants to keep up with the big kids.  And he isn't too worried about staying close by me.  He will crawl off without a single look back.  He is still getting into everything.  It is his life mission to pull out the night light as soon as he sees it.  He also loves cords, tags and paper.  He gets pretty upset when you take away something he is playing with (like car keys)  or is not allowed to play with something he wants (like the computer).  
He is eating pretty well.  He drinks 4 7-8oz bottles a day.  And then eats solids for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  He will eat pureed food with cereal.  His favorites seem to be peas, sweet potatoes, pears and banana/mangos.  But, he will rarely turn down real food.  He eats cheerios, green beans, peas, strawberries, blueberries, corn, bread, crackers, bananas and gerber puffs.  He has gotten very good at getting the food in his mouth.  He still can't figure out how to tip his cup or bottle up though.  It would be nice if he could hold his bottle, especially in the car.  

He still loves playing with his big sister.  He loves laughing at her and climbing all over her.  She usually thinks it's great.  

They are becoming the best of friends.  
A few other things:
~He has his top two teeth in.  So, he has 4 now.  We can hear him grinding them and it sounds horrible.  It seems to be slowing down though.  Phew!
~He has waved bye-bye a few times.  

Here are a couple of videos of little Ollie boy.  

He loves splashing in the tub and doesn't mind getting wet at all.

He is pretty good at pushing his walker around even though he looks like an old man in a nursing home.  

We are so proud of our little blue-eyed towhead.  He brings so much joy and laughter to our home.  We love you Oliver!


Lauren said...

He is seriously the CUTEST. I love how his little eyes scrunch up so tiny. And the butt picture was adorable, even if he does hate you for it someday. :)

the mcquiddys said...

I concur- butt picture = great. :)

Thank you for the blog help! I tried out the new editor last night and really enjoyed it. I can't believe that I never knew about this before. Is it new? I did a blog post in half the time last night. I also like that you can't delete your pictures so easily when you're just trying to close space between pictures or delete text. Ok, safe to say, thanks so much!

Yes, I do love our Ergo. I never had a sling with Haley because she didn't really like it when I tried out one on her, so we always just used the Ergo. It's nice to throw her on our backs now that she's bigger. It's also really comfortable to wear ... even on an all day excursion. So there's my two cents. :) Thanks again for your help!

Katherine said...

Be sure to show the video of him in the bathtub to his first girlfriend.