Monday, June 7, 2010

Bottles, Nursing and Such

Remember this bottle?  We bought it when Madeline was little because Andrew wanted to work on his Comfort Cord idea (a breast-feeding device for those of you that don't know).    

Well, seeing as how my kids don't like to sit still, much less, lay down, long enough to eat, my mom suggested we find a sit-n-sip like I had when I was little (since I didn't like to sit still to eat either).  Basically it is just a straw for a bottle.  So, I removed a few pieces and turned this bottle into a sit-n-sip.   
Today, I tried to give Oliver his normal bottle.  He ate a little bit and then was done.  He didn't want to lay down anymore.  I even tried to sit him up and let him lay his head back enough to get the milk out.  So, I put the rest of the milk in this bottle and he finished it in no time.  

"Look!  No hands!"  He's still trying to figure out the whole bottle holding thing.   

On a mostly related note, Oliver decided in this last month that he was done nursing.  One day he just looked at me like I was crazy.  Like, "where is my bottle"?  I think a weekend trip away from home did it in.  He was already down to nursery in the morning and night.  Unless he was home, in his room, he was just too distracted to nurse.  He had to see what was going on.  So, in the middle of the day, forget about it.  And since he took a bottle so well.  We were happy to give it to him.  
I have mixed feelings about it.  I feel like there is so much pressure to nurse your kids. So, in a way, I feel like I failed.  But, on the other hand, I never knew if he was getting enough to eat.  He went from being an "extremely large baby" (as our doctor calls it) to the 35 percentile in just a few months.  So, if he will eat better through a bottle.  I would much rather him be healthy and growing.  We still get our snuggling in at bedtime when he eats his bottle the best (basically because he is almost unconscious and not struggling to get down).  But, wow, it is expensive!

So, yea, mixed emotions.  But, mostly happy with where we are now.    

Oliver, it was a nice 6 month run with you.  


Matt and Laurie Beardsley said...

I hear ya! I think you are definitely doing the right thing. I was so determined to make it for 12 months with Joey that I think for a few months, he really wasn't getting anything at all! Matthew started needing more at 8 or so months and then was totally weaned about a month later. I started him on whole milk at 11 months and even though the 2 months of formula were a killer, I knew that he could eat when he needed to. I think the first time I was doing more what I thought I "should" or was right for me, and maybe not what was right for the baby.

Good for you! He'll be drinking milk before you know it!

Trisha said...

You know I feel your pain. No guilt. You're a good mama and good mamas do what they have to do, even stopping nursing their babies.

On a related note, if you ever want me to pick formula up for you at SAMS, (it's a fraction of the cost of even off-brands), I'd be happy to help.

Sincerely Anna said...

Look at you and your finagling the bottle with a straw! I'm impressed!

Yeah, I understand the mixed emotions although I didn't breastfeed at all. I imagine the snuggling will be all the more special and relaxing when it's not a stressful "eat eat eat" time. Hope this transition will be an enjoyable change for you, but I know it is bittersweet.

Forever For Evie said...

Hey there! I hopped over here from MckMama's site. I've been perusing your blog for a while, and just wanted to say hello. These pics of your son are what actually caught my attention because he's just about the age of my youngest son, and their hair looks exactly alike. :D
Anyway, you have a beautiful family...your children are just precious!