Monday, April 19, 2010

Not Me Monday...

When outside this past week, Madeline certainly was not doing the potty dance while we were no where near a bathroom.  And I certainly did not hold her up behind a tree next to the playground to go pee pee in the grass while hoping that the guy working at the pool a little ways away didn't see us.  Who would encourage their children to go potty outside, behind a tree, next to a playground?

And I would certainly never sneak away to the bathroom for a few minutes of alone time just to post this blog.  Not me!  I am always up for playing 2 year old games every second of the day.  Oh nevermind, it's no longer alone time.  Madeline certainly did not just bring her blanket in here with me and start hanging out.

Oh and I didn't just run out of toilet paper and send Madeline to go find some for me.  And she didn't just bring back a tiny handful for me to use.  Thanks!

I definitely was not intending for this to be a potty post.  But, that's just how it goes sometimes.

1 comment:

Jaime Lee said...

this made me laugh...and the photo is so precious!