Monday, April 12, 2010

Camera Shy

Madeline absolutely hates the camera right now.  She will hide her face or refuse to look anywhere close to me if it is in my hands.  But, the other day I asked her if she would help mommy work by letting me take pictures.  I wanted to check out the lighting situation.  Too my amazement she agreed.  But, she said she had to get her whole family first.  So, here she is with her whole family that she lined up.

The photoshoot didn't last very long.  Maybe 5 pictures.  And then she said, "That's the LAST one."  And it was.

Until I got a picture of her eyeball behind another "family member".  Hey, I will take what I can get. 


Beth Simmons said...

Her family is really cute and quite large:) I happen to know that several of her family members are named Madeline! Very sweet and cute!

Nathaniel Simmons said...

really fun post Naomi