18 Months Old
Madeline is a year and a half! And she just gets more fun by the day. This morning she wanted ALL of her bows in her hair.
Pretty, huh?
Then she wanted to work on some bows in the bathroom mirror.
She loves herself :) mmmmmwah!
We play on a playground near our house. She is getting good at climbing up the ladder by herself.
She LOVES her Little People. She lines them up on the window sills, in the barn, on the ark, in the bathtub. She plays with them all day long. She fills up the cars with gas at the garage. She lets the baby drive the cars. She brings them to dinner with her sometimes so they can eat too. She has a lot of fun with them. She is a little confused about Noah though. She calls him "ho ho" (for Santa) no matter how many times we correct her.

Madeline also loves letters right now. So, I bought her a magnetic letter set from Leap Frog that sings the name and sound of each letter. She is having so much fun with it. She is learning a lot of letters and will point them out in books, at stores, on signs or anywhere that she sees them. So, far she pretty consistently knows O, M, A, E, D, V, S and H. O seems to be her favorite. She finds it everywhere. And she is also confused about the letter T. She thinks it is called, "hot" because we practiced reading that word in the bathtub and now I guess she just connects the T with that word. I'm sure she will get things straightened out though :)
Madeline also loves letters right now. So, I bought her a magnetic letter set from Leap Frog that sings the name and sound of each letter. She is having so much fun with it. She is learning a lot of letters and will point them out in books, at stores, on signs or anywhere that she sees them. So, far she pretty consistently knows O, M, A, E, D, V, S and H. O seems to be her favorite. She finds it everywhere. And she is also confused about the letter T. She thinks it is called, "hot" because we practiced reading that word in the bathtub and now I guess she just connects the T with that word. I'm sure she will get things straightened out though :)
She is really sweet about praying. She will often remind us to pray before we eat if we forget. She will fold her hands and wait until we say "Amen" then she opens her arms really wide for "Amen". Sometimes she likes to pray several times throughout a meal. So, we tell her to say, "Thank you, Amen". It is really sweet.
Something else she is really into is flossing. She will usually ask to "foss" while she is taking a bath. I think she really likes the mint flavor. :)
She is just growing and changing so much. She is starting to put 3 words together. This morning I said, "you're so funny". And she said, "I'm so funny." She knows all her colors. (Well not like a Crayola box of 48, but maybe a box of 8). She kicks her balls. She runs so cute likes she is just bouncing off the ground. She is brave. She likes to do belly flops into her ball pit and jump off the diving board at the pool. She loves raw onions and olives. She scarfed down about 3 helpings of baked beans today. But, she doesn't love PB and J. hmmm? She is sweet and precious and of course tries to see how close to the line she can get before getting disciplined. But, we love her so much. She is certainly our little princess.
I love that she said "I'm so funny." Madeline is awesome and you two are awesome parents. I know I say this a lot, but I am so glad you keep a blog because I absolutely love reading it.
I love the new update. So sweet. I miss you all so very much!!!
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