Saturday, October 6, 2007

Wishy Washy Washer Woman

Well, I was trying to be a good house wife on Thursday. I had already finished one load of laundry and was beginning another one. It was also 9:00pm, so it was time to settle in for some Grey's Anatomy and finish a few interim reports for my students. But, of course, being 7 months pregnant, I had to use the bathroom first. But, as I walk into the bathroom, I hear a stream of water. My first thought was that, for some reason, the bathtub was left running a little bit. But, as I turn on the light and get a better look, there is water pouring out of our exhaust fan. Hmmm.... that's a little strange. (Just so you know, our laundry room is above our masterbath and closet.) So, I run upstairs to see what is going on. Well, our laundry room was quickly flooding with water. I turned off the washing machine, but it just keeps flowing. There is a little plastic tub under our washer to catch water in the case of a washer emergency. But, it had several cracks in it and it was doing absolutely nothing.

I called Andrew to let him know about the situation going on at home and he started on his way back (which I hate, because he was actually working on making doors for the giant fish tank stand) While I was waiting for him to get home. I put a ton of towels down to start soaking up the water. I also pulled all the clothes out of the washer and started bailing the water out because it appeared that the wash basin was leaking. I got out 3 big buckets of water out and the water started flowing a little slower.

I had to get more towels out of our closet downstairs and realized that our light fixture was full of water as well. There is no water damage in the ceilings. It all just came through the exhaust fan and light fixture. A little weird and a little scary.

Andrew finally came home and helped clean up the mess and empty the scary light fixture full of water. Needless to say, we had to get a new washer. We spent all night last night looking for new washers. And I missed Grey's Anatomy for the second week in a row. I really need TIVO.

Just in case you didn't know, Wishy Washy Washer Woman is a children's book and song. :)


Anonymous said...

Alright, problem 1: no laundry at 9 pm!! problem 2: don't miss Grey's. I'm glad the washer situation is fixed now. I would have freaked out! As for TIVO, its great. We have had it about 1 1/2 years and its hard to live without once you get it.

Now the guns...I took the class to get my concealed weapons permit, so I went shooting with a friend named Roy that obviously has tons of guns. He and I wanted to see which one I liked the best before buying! It was tons of fun.

Becky Swann said...

Oh my gosh I'm glad you put that video up too, a perfect touch , you can watch grey's anatomy online at if you are needed to catch up:) I can't believe you are 7 months already.

JRob said...

I do not know jana/stphen or becky/jeremiah, but I think that I really like both of these couples- Great minds think alike. :) I was writing to tell you that you could watch the tv episodes online for free at and also that I love tivo.
I totally identify with minor floods. I have begun to think of them as creating memories moments. :) luv ya!