It's a ...!
We had our 19 week sonogram today. Andrew's mom and my mom came along. It was so much fun. We saw every part of our baby. The head, feet, spine, bladder, heart, hands, etc. Our baby moved around so much that we have to go back for another sonogram because she couldn't take all the pictures of the heart that she wanted. But, she reassured us that everything was fine. She just couldn't get the right angle. But, the baby did hold still long enough for us to find out that it's a Girl! In the picture above, she has her hand up next to her face.
Andrew said he counted 4 fingers at one point. So, that's a good sign :)

She crossed her cute little feet.

It's hard to tell how big she really is when watching the monitor. So, I asked the sonographer how long her foot was. It is about 3 cm long. It is so amazing that just a few months ago her whole body was about 3 cm long. She is growing very well.
And so is my belly. This is in the middle of Rome at about 18 weeks. Sorry, I haven't really taken any belly pictures. I haven't felt her moving yet. But, we know she is because she wouldn't hold still during the sonogram. I'm sure it won't be long now.

We will post some Italy pictures soon. Andrew took over 1000 pictures. So, it might take a while to figure out what to post. :)
Yay, a friend for me! I am excited to meet my new little friend!
Hooray! We're so excited your little girl is growing so well!! I'm sure our little ones will be great friends!
It's me again... we missed you! I'll give you a call soon! ~ Tabitha
so the question is... Does the Baby have fingertoes? Krisha (on behalf of Johnny) haha
NAOMI!!!!! It's Becky Hart, well now Swann, Megan told me to check her facebook because you were her friend and said you have a blog, and so do I! I can't believe there is a little Naomi on the way! I think if you click on my name it will take you to my blog! Oh my long lost pal, I will now go snoop on your blog and read all about you!
Ok so I checked it and I'm not sure it will take you to mine, so here is the link if it doesn't work:
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