Madeline turned 4 years old back in December. Before she was born, I remember Andrew and I both thinking that we were going to have a boy first. That's how it was in both of our families. But, we got our girl first and I am so glad. Madeline is such a wonderful big sister and firstborn.
She is a people pleaser for sure and she is very in tune to my expressions or reactions to her. Sometimes when she picks out something to wear and I act like I don't really like it, she will just say, "just pick something you want me to wear." I have to remember to be aware of my frustrations or sighing around her. I never want her to feel that I am annoyed or bothered by her.
She brings so much joy to our lives. She sings all the time. She sings lots of cartoon theme songs, songs from Cubbies/Sunday school and made up songs. She loves to have her picture taken now. Which is tons of fun. But, it can also be hard to get a genuine smile out of her. She loves to make Lucy laugh and smile. The other night I asked her to think about happy sounds. She said she was thinking about Lucy laughing. So sweet.

She has been having issues with nightmares and being scared at night. She is scared of the witch from Sleeping Beauty (and we even skipped over that part). She has been having a hard time going to sleep for several months now. She will also wake up about once a night with bad dreams as well. Sometimes it's hard to know if she is really scared or just putting off bedtime. Sometimes it's hard to know how to deal with these issues when she isn't being disobedient, but may be putting off something she doesn't want to do, but may also be legitimately scared. sigh. She also talks in her sleep which is kind of funny. And several weeks ago, she walked into our room in her sleep, a little freaky.

She is still very athletic. She loves the trampoline and does handstands and flips on it all the time. She still loves to ride her balance bike and really wants to take the training wheels off her new bike. She is always looking for a bar to do flips around. She does somersaults off our ottoman onto the couch. She's a busy girl. But, she also loves to sit quietly and work on art project with stickers, markers or stamps. She loves rainbow colors right now. Everything she colors is usually with lots and lots of colors. She is doing a great job of coloring in the lines as well now. She also loves video games on the computer.

She has lots of friends and is always wanting to hang out with them. We used to be in caregroup with all of them. But, a few just moved to North Dakota and we are actually in a new caregroup now. So, we see our friends at church and MOPS now. But, her best friend right now is Jacob. He is also 4 and lives down the street. They hang out all the time and play so great together. We carepool to Cubbies each Wednesday night. They are so funny in the backseat talking to each other. It is pretty sweet. She is also great friends with Oliver. They play really great together. She is usually very patient and understanding with him.

She says she has asked Jesus into her heart, twice :) And I believe her. She definitely has a soft heart towards the Lord and I see him working in her heart. She is really asking deep questions about heaven and hell and I don't always know how to answer them. But, she is very concerned about Oliver and if he is going to heaven or hell. I told her we are praying for him to ask Jesus into his heart when he is old enough to understand. She keeps reminding me to pray for him. Sometimes it's hard to know how deep to get into Bible stories. Especially when she is already scared at bedtime. She's had a lot of questions about Abraham and Isaac. Yea, how do you talk to your child about how Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac until God stopped him? And blood sacrifices in the Old Testament? Obviously important in explaining the importance of Jesus' death, but can be a little scary/gruesome for a 4 year old. But, it certainly makes my heart full to know that my baby girl has made Jesus the king of her life and is now on a lifetime journey of knowing her savior.

We sure do love our big 4 year old. She brings so much joy, smiles and laughter to our lives.