Oliver turned 9 months old on Monday. I can't get over how fast he is growing up. He is such a happy little guy. He is usually happy with anyone who wants to hold him. But, he especially loves his daddy and smiles at him a lot. You can get lots of smiles from him by playing peek-a-boo or pretend sneezing at him.
He's not going to his 9 month check-up until September (I waited a little late to make his appointment). But, when I took him to the doctor last week, he weighed 18.5 lbs. (I think that's around the 15-20%). He's eating well. He would much rather eat big people food. It's hard to get a jar of baby food in him. He would much rather pick up his own food. He eats basically anything. He loves pancakes, bread, cheerios, crackers, green beans, peas, corn, scrambled eggs, noodles, grapes, watermelon, blueberries, strawberries, or anything small enough to eat. He is still drinking about 4- 8oz bottles a day. He is starting to hold them on his own. But, he would still prefer it to be held for him. He likes his sippy cup of water as well.
He has turned into quite the vocal little guy. He likes to yell a lot. It's happy yelling. But, it is still quite loud. It's fine when we are home. But, when we are in restaurants, people start looking our way. And I can only take so much while we are in the car. :) He also howls a little bit too. He likes to shake his head, "no" whenever you say "no no" to him or when he is tired and trying to keep himself awake. He's got 4 pretty little teeth.
He enjoys riding in my new Ergo or in the stroller. He likes to be on the go. He is crawling everywhere, into everything and still standing up in the middle of the floor all by himself. But, he isn't walking yet. He will walk a little bit while you hold just one hand. But, he will sit down as soon as you let go. I guess he prefers his efficient crawling.
He still loves his sister and is so happy to see her. His favorite book is "10 Little Ladybugs", which was Madeline's favorite at this age as well. He definitely does not like to sit and flip through books like Madeline used to. But, he is showing a little more interest.
He loves cords. He has ruined both of our computer chargers from chewing on them. But, he just can't resist them. As I mentioned before, he loves tags as well. Sometimes when I peak in at him, while he is in bed, he is snuggling with a blanket or stuffed animal with their tag in his mouth. It's pretty sweet.
He is a great sleeper. He is definitely sleeping through the night now. He goes to bed about 8:30-9 and wakes up at 8am. I usually hear him around 6. But, I turn off the monitor and he goes back to sleep until 8. He takes 2 naps a day. They usually range from 2-3 hours each.
Oliver is such an easy and happy baby. Although he isn't seeming like a baby as much anymore. At least he will still snuggle with me before he goes to sleep. It melts my heart. I love seeing him with his big sister and the relationship that they are forming. It is so special. We are loving this stage with Oliver!