Well, I seem to have fallen behind on Madeline's monthly updates. I have skipped month 19 and we are more than halfway through the 20th month. So, this is what Madeline has been up to lately.
Her hair is getting much longer. So, I put curlers in it the other day.

This is about as curly as it got. I didn't let the hair dry enough before I took the curlers out. So, it basically just fell. She is also reading her little Bible in this picture. She likes to carry it around and "read" it.

We also started "Family Snuggle Time" before bed. So, we get several books together and pile onto mommy and daddy's bed to read and snuggle. It's so sweet.

Although we do not have a bike for Madeline (we don't really have a place to ride it), she likes to ride them in Walmart and Target and she got to ride some while we were in Michigan. She is learning how to keep her feet on the pedals. She still can't quite make it go by herself though.

Madeline is usually a very quiet little girl. (Unless she has had some ice cream. Then, she is bouncing off the walls!) She plays very nicely by herself. Her favorite toy right now is her Little People doll house. She wakes everyone up, sets them outside, puts them in the pool, answers the phone, makes everyone go potty and gets them dinner. She can play with her Little People for a long time. But, she also likes other little animals and figurines to play with as well.
She also likes to organize things in an orderly manner. She will lay out her crayons in a neat row with all the points facing the same direction.

She is getting very good at doing puzzles.

She really loves to jump and spin. She loves to jump on our bed, her bed, on a trampoline or on the cushions from the couch. I even caught her pulling her ball pit next to our bed this morning so she could jump off of it into the balls. I didn't think that was a great idea. Especially since half the balls weren't even in the ball pit.

Madeline is such a talker now. But, she is very shy around strangers (who she calls "peoples"). So, it is usually me or Andrew that hears most of it. Some of her favorite things to say right now are, "Watch, Mama" or "Watch, Dada". And if you aren't watching, she will keep asking or come and get you so you will watch. I love how she says, "Stam up, Mama" if I am sitting when I should be standing up and dancing with her. Her favorite cartoon is Blue's Clues, which she calls, "Blue's Clues Clues". And she asks specifically for episodes with the newer host, Joe, instead of Steve. She will often put 4 or more words together like, "go upstairs to mama and dada's bed." She can sing many of the words to "I'm a Little Tea Pot", "5 Little Monkeys" and "Baa Baa Black Sheep". She is also working on her alphabet song. It comes out very scrambled though (A b c...f g...j l...m p...x z) But, it is a start. :) She will remember and talk about a certain event for a long time. She has been talking about the beach since we got back. She will say, "ride cars, horses, boats at beach" or "sand castles at beach". She still talks about a time when there was "rain and boom booms (thunder)" when her Nana was here probably 2 months ago. And she still talks about "peoples at door" from when we had Chinese food delivered about a month ago. She doesn't let things go very quickly :). But, we are enjoying all this talking that we hear from her. It is so cute to hear what she is thinking and processing. It is especially sweet to hear her pray, "Thank you Jesus, Amen", with her little hands folded.
This little girl is the love of our lives! She is getting more and more precious everyday. We are having so much fun with her, watching her grow and learn. What a blessing to be her mama!