Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I tried to put some curls in Madeline's hair today.
Unfortunately, it didn't go so well. Her hair didn't curl very well. I think I need to put more curlers in her hair. I just didn't know how long I would have with her sitting still. So, I put them in as fast as I could.
It was basically straight in a few minutes. But, we will try again another day.
Posted by
8:09 PM
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Hung by the Chimney with Care
I have been feeling the need to make something crafty lately. So, my friend, Kim, inspired me to make a stocking for Madeline. I bought Andrew's and mine at Target. But, Madeline needed a special one. So, after Madeline went to bed last night, I dusted off the sewing maching and made a stocking. I finally feel crafty again. Now our stockings are hung by the chimney with care and Madeline's is already filled with goodies.
Posted by
11:31 AM
A Care Group Christmas
Our care group from church had a Christmas party on Thursday night. We all brought food and we had a gift exchange. We ended up with a great CD and a toy for Madeline (or probably another baby since she already has one.) Above is a picture of all the adults and a few of the younger kids. All the bigger kids were downstairs with a babysitter. There are 11 kids in all. Soon to be 13. (Neither of which are being contributed by us. People seem to be getting a little pushy these days about #2 :)
The little kids were entertained by an empty box for quite a while.
Posted by
8:00 AM
Monday, December 15, 2008
O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree
This past Monday, the coldest day of the year, we excitedly waited for Andrew to get home from work so that we could go get our Christmas tree. We bundled Madeline and ourselves up and headed to our local fire department. This is where we have gotten our tree for the past 4 years.
We ended up picking the first tree we saw. It was a little too cold to be too picky.
Our local fireman, who is there every year, helped to load it on the car so we could bring it home.
Posted by
8:00 AM
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Just kidding! Nobody fell and busted their head open. But, our little precious did find a container of salsa, covered in saran wrap, in the refrigerator. She managed to get all the way to the end up the kitchen floor, trip, and throw it all the way across the living room carpet.
Our lovely little girl is not wearing any clothes because, they too had salsa all over them.
And who can resist touching and walking through the salsa over and over and over while mommy is trying to clean it up?
Posted by
8:00 AM
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I Can Do it Myself
A few weeks ago, Madeline started pulling the spoon out of our hands. So, I gave her her own spoon to try. She loved using it. She ate all of her cereal without a problem. The spoon is a little deep, so it is hard to get all the food out of it. But, she managed.
Posted by
8:00 AM
Friday, December 12, 2008
Christopher and Megan Burrow
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11:09 AM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Second Birthday Party
We had another birthday party at Nana and Papa Paul's house on Monday, Madeline's actual birthday. Nana made a wonderful dinner and then we had cake and opened presents.
Daniel and Katherine joined us!
There was lots of clapping. Madeline took a little power nap in the car on the way to Nana and Papa Paul's. So, she was full of energy for her party.
Madeline got a cool Elmo card...

...and some jammies...

...a stuffed Elmo and a replacement for her favorite lion that we lost.
Posted by
11:48 AM
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
First Birthday Party
Mom and I made her birthday cake together. It was a 4 tier, yellow cake with buttercream frosting and lots of dots.

(In your best singing voice) Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Madeline. Happy birthday to you!

She hasn't gotten the blowing-out-the-candle thing yet. So, we gave her a little help.

Then, she dug right in like any respecting one-year-old would do.
...mash it around a little...
Posted by
9:27 PM